Tag Archives: LeBron James

LeBron James’s Next Big Move—as a TV Producer

lebron james

Yes, LeBron James is returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers, but that’s not the only thing he has on his plate. James is also executive producing the upcoming Starz comedy series Survivor’s Remorse. While James was otherwise occupied, the show’s other producers and stars were on hand at TCA summer press tour to talk about the show. As I wrote at Quartz,

Despite the show’s obvious parallels to the life of its superstar producer, “this is not a show about LeBron James. This is a fictional show,” said executive producer Mike O’Malley, who admitted that they changed the original script, which was originally set in Cleveland (near James’s Ohio hometown of Akron), to distance themselves from those comparisons.

When James is branching into Hollywood, his manager and business partner Maverick Carter said that he’s not laying groundwork for a post-NBA career in Hollywood.

LeBron James’s next big move— as a TV producer